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   Aerodynamic optimisation of pantographs  evaluated  
Pantographs account for some 8 % of the aerodynamic drag of a train and play an important role for noise emission. Pantograph optimisation is usually focussed on noise reduction rather than air drag.
Technology field: Aerodynamics and friction
open main section General information
open main section General criteria
close main section Environmental criteria
  close sub-section Impacts on energy efficiency:
  Energy efficiency potential for single vehicle: < 2%
  Energy efficiency potential throughout fleet: < 1%
    There is no experimental data available on air drag effects of aerodynamic pantograph design. Given that pantographs come up for ~8% of air resistance, and assuming that in high-speed traffic some 60% of total energy demand (including comfort energy) are owed to air drag, the pantograph will account for about 5% of total energy consumption. It seems therefore realistic to assume that the corresponding optimisation potential is less than 2%.
  Other environmental impacts: neutral
    Noise reduction
open main section Economic criteria
no data available Application outside railway sector (this technology is railway specific)
open main section Overall rating
References / Links:  Schulte-Werning et al. 1998;  Baldauf et al. 2001
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 date created: 2002-10-09
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