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   SOTRELE:Real Time Power and Energy Optimisation System  not evaluated  

Manufacturer / Railway company:
ALSTOM Transport-Systems

REF:Patent FRA 0205600 3thd May 02 It is a system of power and energy optimisation of a transport network which will limit the consumed power in real time, according to operation constraints, by train , group of trains, by zone ,in order to stick to power subscription conditions and improve system energy efficency. The system gives all relevant information for electricity purchasing.

Advantage for energy efficiency:
-Reduce power on trains and losses on fixed and onboard power supply equipments, -Reduce system power overshoots, -Control the power consumption of train comfort auxiliaries according outside temperature,on line and stabling area, -Control the passenger station auxiliaries according to peak and off peak hours,

Availability / Level of development:
Under development

The system applies from Light rail systems to Main lines transport network

References / Links:
Related projects:
Contact persons:  CORNIC Daniel (ALSTOM Transport)
 date created: 2004-01-29
© UIC - International Union of Railways 2003