
Add / Edit Attachment
Here you can upload files which provide further information on the technology. It is not possible to upload files larger than 200 KBytes (204.800 Bytes). To ensure that all uploaded files can be displayed by the same program and to guarantee a minimum of protection against viruses, you should convert your file into a PDF file before uploading it.

  • The "File name" Field
    Click the "browse" button (or the equivalent in the language your browser is working in) on the right and find the file you want to upload from your computer. Then click on the file name and open it. The path and file name will now automatically be shown in the field "File name".

  • The "Short description" Field
    Here you can enter a short description of your file. This will help other users to choose which files they want to download.

  • "JavaScript" disabled
    After pressing the "save" button in the pop-up window, you can either add a new data set or close the window and return to the main entry form. You have to reload the main page yourself before you can see your new entries.