
Advanced search

Advanced Search allows you to combine a full-text search (of all texts in the database) and an indexed search of the following:·

  • technology field
  • type of traction and/or transportation
  • evaluation criteria
  • technology data's creation or update date

You will notice that some search fields are preceded by a field containing the logical (or Boolean) operators, AND and OR. If you would like to use this function, please enable "JavaScript" in your browser. Your browser should be IE 5.0 and higher or Netscape 6.2 and higher.

  • To conduct a full-text search, enter at least 3 letters of the word you are looking for.
  • To search within a specific technology field or for a specific saving strategy, select one of the items in the "technology field" drop down menu.
  • To look for a special type of traction and/or transportation, select one of the items in the corresponding drop down menu.
  • To include specific evaluation criteria in your search, please first select the criterion in the left-hand drop down menu. You will then find corresponding evaluation options in the drop down menu on the right-hand side.
  • To look for technologies with a specific creation or update date, please first choose one of the operators: >,<, between. Depending on the operator, you will have to enter one or two dates into the boxes on the right
  • After pressing the button "perform search", you will find a list of results at the end of the page.
  • You can reset your search options by pressing the button "reset fields".